‘What’s that bird?’ Teach kids how to answer that question themselves with this simple and clear guide to using clues to identify birds
Bird identification
Master the art of recognizing different species and develop your birdwatching skills. Our bird ID section includes detailed guides, identification tips, and helpful resources.
Bird Calls + Songs: Helping Children Identify Birds
Teach children how to tune into bird song with these practical games + activities. Identifying species by their calls can be fun as well as challenging
Birding without binoculars: How to observe birds close-up
Binoculars can enhance birdwatching, but they are not essential. Find out how close-up birding, without any equipment, can be fun and informative.
Everything you need to know about why birds wake up so early
If the early bird catches the worm, does the early birder catch the best view? Find out why birds are so active and vocal around dawn.
Do birds return to the same sleeping places each night?
Find out how birds manage to sleep upright without falling off their perches, and discover what nests are really for. Hint: not for sleeping!
Bird watching on cloudy days: are birds more or less active?
In which climates are cloudy days of benefit to birds, and when might clouds cause them difficulties flying or foraging?