Do all birds fit the traditional roles of males singing and females building the nest? Discover the exceptions and the reasons why.
Bird identification
Master the art of recognizing different species and develop your birdwatching skills. Our bird ID section includes detailed guides, identification tips, and helpful resources.
What birds do in wet weather: is bird watching in the rain worth it?
Bird watching in rainy weather is worth it when you and your equipment are well prepared. Find out which birds are active and where to look.
Raptors hunting: the best time of day to see birds of prey in flight
Wondering why you rarely see birds of prey out with the rest of the dawn chorus? We assess the best time of day or season to see raptors.
What time do birds go to sleep?
When you know what time birds go to sleep and their quirky sleeping habits, it’s easier to plan how and where to go to observe them.
A typical day in the life of a bird: what do birds do all day?
It must be easy being a bird, just having to catch an occasional worm, right? What do birds actually do with their time on a typical day?
Birding binoculars tips: how to see the most birds
Looking through binoculars seems like it will be a simple task, but there are secrets to getting the most out of yours when bird watching.